November 14, 2008

That Time Again...

The holiday season is coming around and its' always a little depressing if you don't have a significant other to share it with but don't fret! I have some great ideas to get over those holiday blues:

1) Round up your closest friends and make them suffer with you. Its' a great time to go ice skating in the park or catch the infamous Radio City Music Hall Christmas show. You get to spend time with your good friends and take your mind off of being lonely.

2) Shopping always heals the soul, but with the recent recession that's' hit its' best you skip Bloomies and catch some deals at Century 21 in Bay Ridge or if you can stand the drive to Long Island, Nordstrom off the Rack always has great deals on the designers you love.

3) Spend some time with those rug rats you call nieces and nephews. I'm sure some of us have not been the best aunties and uncles, so now is a great opportunity with their school breaks to take them out to the movies or just have some quality time.

4) With the end of the year approaching its always a good idea to clean all the junk out of your life, so take some time to go through those things you no longer need and chuck them and whatever is salvageable give to your nearest salvation army. Its a great tax write-off and a great way to feel good about yourself.

If all else fails, just hope that your new honey arrives with the new

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