November 17, 2008

Hair Trouble

I'm at the haridresser wondering why it is whenever you ask your hairdresser to do something specific to your hair , they always take it upon themselves to do what they want to do. Whose hair is it? Is the question that I want to ask. Because I know I'm the one paying for it and its growing out of my scalp and I was born with it.

It really kills me because I am the passive aggressive type, mad as hell at what is going on with my hair but smiling like an idiot on the outside. My sister tells me all the time I should speak up and every once in a while I do and then I feel bad, like I just told my hairdresser how to do her job. Who wants to be told that? I'm afraid next time she may add a little conconcoction to my perm and I end up bald and God only knows how I would look without hair.

I guess again I just sit and and fume quietly and pray that my hair turns out the way I want it to and that though my hairdresser may have taken a different path it all ends at the same destination.

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