December 10, 2008

Texting Etiquette

I wonder with the use of texting as the new form of communication if there are certain rules of texting etiquette that should be followed. After careful deliberation I have come up with my own texting etiquette rules and regulations.

1: Begin every text with a formal greeting, ex. Good mrn, aftn, evenin (don't mind my grammar that's text talk)

2: Please do not write complete sentences,use the least amount of words as possible, if someone does not have unlimited texting you should try to get everything into one text.

3: Insert emotion where applicable, ex. :o) (happy) :o( (sad) ;O) (meet me in the back staircase)

4: Please do not forward messages with the previous forwards included ex. fwd:fwd:fwd:. Delete them before sending as it applies to rule number 2.

5: In addition to rule four, try to remember the forwards that you previously sent, jokes get stale when sent too many times.

6: When a text conversation has ended on your part do let the other party know, so that they are not waiting for a response for the rest of the day. Saying l8tr, or ttyl is suffice.

LOL...hope you find my rules helpful!

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