December 16, 2008

"Close But Yet So Far..."

There are times when we struggle to make it to certain destinations in life. We fight a hard fight and still lose the battle. These are the moments when we must evaluate all the obstacles that we have faced, figure out how we could have dealt with them differently or realize that things happened as they should. We may be upset that we've come so far but just couldn't make it the rest of they way but I say that God has a plan for us always. Though you may want something right now, he may have something lined up for you that's' even bigger later.

It hurts when things don't work out as they should, of course but its in hindsight that we often see the good in what we think is bad. The only thing you can do is recover and allow him to work in your life and get you on the path that you're suppose to be on. Its' discouraging, you feel like you fought so hard for nothing, you may even get depressed but this too shall pass. God works in our favor all the time.

So instead of looking at it as being close but yet so far, think about your life as a continuing progression, rebirth and revision. Everything makes you better for the next thing and there is always more evolving to do.

1 comment:

Latoya said...