My first kiss was horrible, he slobbered all over me and this foreign object was trying to make its way into my mouth. By the time we were done I needed a napkin to wipe my face. Hated kissing then, when I had no idea what to do, now its' not so bad.
My first trip out of the state was to Florida, I was 16. My trip was scheduled a week after TWA flight 800 crashed into the ocean. I had a heart attack. My mom gave me a rosary to carry on the plane. By the time I got off, I had an imprint of a rosary in my palm, needless to say I made it safe but I always pray right as I'm getting on the plane and I always look for babies, God wouldn't take their lives so early in the
My first trip to the Statue of Liberty occurred after 27 years of living in New York, after having been born in Kings County Hospital. Yes its a shame, so what! At least I did it. A wonderful experience it was too.
My first job, I worked at a corporate daycare center. I made 8$/hr, I was 16 and on cloud nine. I loved my job, loved my paychecks and spent the most money on clothes in probably all my life. It was a great experience for different reasons, met 3 of my good friends there, learned how to run a program all on my own and realized two kids is more than enough.
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