We see this scenario play itself out so many times. You're dating someone, you're giving 150% of yourself, bending over backwards to be the best person you can be and things don't work out for whatever reason. You're beating yourself up wondering what you could have done to change things. The answer is nothing, for many different reasons.
The number one reason for me is that God didn't want that for me, because if he did it would have worked out. I would have got the same effort that I gave in return. You see the saying goes, if you want to hear God laugh, make plans. So no amount of affection, or love, or good will would make that person want you, it's just not meant to be. What will be for you, will be...Que Serra Serra.
And sometimes you meet people who just don't appreciate how good you are. They take for granted your kindness, your love. They don't appreciate you until you're no longer there giving them your all. That's typical, its the nature of people to take others for granted. We do it everyday when someone does something for us and we don't say Thank You, the simplest form of appreciation.
If you're the person taking someone for granted, check yourself before you wreck yourself...lol. Know and appreciate a good thing when you've got it, those don't come along too often. If you're the under appreciated don't fret, there is always someone out that it will see you for who and want you are and cherish you, for all the days of your life.
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