January 17, 2009

A Laugh A Day Keeps the Doctor Away...

I've made a new discovery today and that is ..that I'm not funny...lol. My best friend is one of the funniest people I know and it doesn't matter what she says its' her delivery that just puts the icing on the cake. I had the pleasure of meeting one of my good friends aunts today and she was hysterical. I mean, tears rolling down my cheeks funny. Sometimes I wish I had those kind of wits about me.

That is an awesome ability...to make people smile. You can't get enough of being around a certain person when they can make life so light and airy. You forget about all the troubles of the world. I remember being young and laughing until my stomach hurt...do you remember that? Laughing until your cheeks told you to stop. I don't laugh like that as often anymore. I guess the world gets more serious with age, things don't pull strings like they use to before.

I would try knock-knock jokes but I think I'm too old for that. I think my calling is to be a great listener, I don't know about the funny part. I'll leave funny to individuals who can succeed at making people laugh, I'll just give someone a lending ear to the joke they want to tell :o)

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